using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Networking; public class AudioManager : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] int sfxVoices, musicVoices; //Specify how many voices should be reserved for SFX and music AudioSources [SerializeField] GameObject sfxAudioPrefab, musicAudioPrefab; //Different prefabs for music and SFX sounds so they can use different groups in the AudioMixer [SerializeField] List irreplaceables; //Sounds we don't want to be replace even if we run out of AudioSources [SerializeField] bool onNetwork; int currentSFXIndex = 0, currentMusicIndex = 0; //Keep track of which object to use AudioSource[] sfxSources, musicSources; Dictionary soundsInUse = new Dictionary(); //Store the coroutines in a Dictionary to easily stop the coroutines when re-pooling the GameObject Dictionary clips = new Dictionary(); //Store all available AudioClips and access them by name static AudioManager instance; //Static object reference for easy access to the active AudioManager public static AudioManager Instance { get { return instance; } } private void Awake() //Make sure exactly one AudioManager is in use { if (instance != null && instance != this) Destroy(this); instance = this; Object[] loadedClips = Resources.LoadAll("AudioClips", typeof(AudioClip)); foreach (Object o in loadedClips) { clips.Add(, o as AudioClip); } sfxSources = new AudioSource[sfxVoices]; musicSources = new AudioSource[musicVoices]; for (int i = 0; i < sfxSources.Length; i++) //Spawn pools { sfxSources[i] = Instantiate(sfxAudioPrefab, transform).GetComponent(); if (onNetwork) NetworkServer.Spawn(sfxSources[i].gameObject); } for (int i = 0; i < musicSources.Length; i++) { musicSources[i] = Instantiate(musicAudioPrefab, transform).GetComponent(); } } public AudioSource SpawnSound(string clip, Transform t, bool stationarySound, bool looping, bool isMusic, float volume) //Determines which AudioSource to use and returns that AudioSource to the caller { if (!clips.ContainsKey(clip)) { print("Clip \"" + clip + "\" not found, please check spelling."); return null; } AudioSource[] arrToUse = isMusic ? musicSources : sfxSources; int index = isMusic ? currentMusicIndex : currentSFXIndex, sourcesTried = 0; AudioSource sourceToUse = arrToUse[index]; while (soundsInUse.ContainsKey(sourceToUse)) { index = (index + 1) % arrToUse.Length; sourceToUse = arrToUse[index]; sourcesTried++; if (sourcesTried >= arrToUse.Length) //If there are no free AudioSources we check if we can reuse one currently playing { if (!irreplaceables.Contains(clip)) foreach (AudioSource playingSound in soundsInUse.Keys) { if (playingSound != null && playingSound.clip != null && == clip) { ReturnSource(playingSound); return SpawnSound(clip, t, stationarySound, looping, isMusic, volume); //If an AudioSource with the same clip is already playing, we stop that clip and reuse the AudioSource for the new sound } } return null; //No free AudioSources for that soundtype, sorry } } sourceToUse.loop = looping; currentMusicIndex = isMusic ? index : currentMusicIndex; currentSFXIndex = isMusic ? currentSFXIndex : index; float playTime = looping ? Mathf.Infinity : clips[clip].length; sourceToUse.clip = clips[clip]; Coroutine soundTimer = StartCoroutine(SoundPlayTime(playTime, sourceToUse)); soundsInUse.Add(sourceToUse, soundTimer); sourceToUse.transform.SetParent(t, stationarySound); sourceToUse.transform.localPosition =; sourceToUse.volume = volume; if (looping) sourceToUse.Play(); else sourceToUse.PlayOneShot(clips[clip], volume); return sourceToUse; } public void ReturnSource(AudioSource source) //Returns an AudioSource to the pool when it's finished playing. May be called by SoundPlayTime or externally { if (source == null || source.clip == null) { return; } source.volume = 0f; source.Stop(); if (soundsInUse.ContainsKey(source)) { StopCoroutine(soundsInUse[source]); soundsInUse.Remove(source); } source.transform.SetParent(transform, true); source.transform.localPosition =; } IEnumerator SoundPlayTime(float playTime, AudioSource source) //Keeps track of when to repool an AudioSource { yield return new WaitForSeconds(playTime); ReturnSource(source); } }